Add the Template to a Process
A Template Administrator can add a template to a Process so that the Process template can be used to post data to the target system.
Refer to Manage Processes for an overview of Processes.
Before performing this task, create a template and activate it.
To add an IG Universal Connect Template template to a Process in Integrate:
- Select Categories from Navigation pane.
Click the Processes icon for a category.
NOTE: The number on the Processes icon represents the number of active and inactive processes assigned to the category.
Click Add; the Vertical View displays.
View the field descriptions for the Process page’s Vertical View.
NOTE: At least one active template must exist for the category before a process can be added.
Enter a sort value in Priority.
NOTE: This value determines the order the process displays on the Process page.
Enter a process name in Name.
NOTE: A process name must be unique. The process name can contain A-Z, 0-9, and underscore. No special characters are allowed in process names. Integrate will replace special characters with underscores when the process is saved.
- Enter a description in Description.
Select the IG Universal Connect template from the Template ID list box.
NOTE: The Template ID list box only displays active templates assigned to the category.
Select the data source where the data to be posted is stored and where the integration views (tx*Iint) exist from Data Source ID list box.
NOTE: The Data Source ID list box displays all data sources registered to the platform’s instance.
Select an option in the View Name list box if the view to store the parameter names and values has already been created in the data source.
NOTE: Parameters are optional.
NOTE: The view can also be automatically generated. In this case, leave the View Name blank. Refer to Configure a Process Template Loop for an IG Universal Connect Process Template Automatically for more information.
- Click Save; the Template ID is automatically registered to the process.
Continue with Activate the Process, or, if using parameters, Configure a Process Template Loop for an IG Universal Connect Process Template Manually or Automatically.